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Better Health

Dr. Rudy Kurniawan, Sp.PD, Dip.TH, MM, MARS

Profil :

Dr. Rudy Kurniawan, Sp.PD, Dip.TH, MM, MARS adalah seorang spesialis penyakit dalam yang bertugas melakukan perawatan pada penyakit akut maupun kronis pada orang dewasa. Dokter Rudy juga merupakan salah satu dokter yang aktif dalam membangun komunitas pasien diabetes yaitu Sobat Diabet, serta tergabung dalam tim dokter Diabetes Connection Care Eka Hospital yang dipimpin langsung oleh Prof. Dr. dr. Sidartawan Soegondo, Sp.PD-KEMD. FINASIM. FACE.

Dr. Rudy Kurniawan, Sp.PD, Dip.TH, MM, MARS menempuh pendidikan dokter umum dan spesialisasi penyakit dalam di Universitas Indonesia. Berbagai pelatihan yang pernah dijalani adalah International Student Congress of (bio) Medical Sciences, Groningen di Belanda ; . International Congress on AIDS in Asia and The Pacific 2011, Busan di Korea Selatan; Global Health Course, Emerging disesase and Travel Medicine 2010, Hobart di Australia.

Dr. Rudy Kurniawan, Sp.PD, Dip.TH, MM, MARS juga juga memiliki banyak penghargaan seperti Scholarship awardee Temasek Foundation for education and training at National University Cancer Institute, NUS di Singapura ; Research Team, Canadian Cardiovascular Congress, Toronto di Kanada dan Cum Laude awardee medical doctor 2012 di Universitas Indonesia.

Beliau memiliki ketertarikan pada: diabetes, Travel Health, dan HIV

Educational Background

  • FK Universitas Indonesia
  • Dept Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI

Job Experienced

  • Internist, General Hospital - Siloam Mampang (covid centre) (April 2020- November 2020)
  • Internist, Diabetes Connection Care, Eka Hospital BSD (November 2020-now)
  • Residency Program, Internal Medicine, RSCM (July 2015-Jan 2020)
  • Clinical Research Team, Nutrifood Research Center on Metabolic Disease and Nutrigenomics (2014-2015)
  • Resident Medical Officer (General Practitioner), Siloam Hospital Kebon Jeruk (Des 2013 - Des 2014)
  • Research Assistant, Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine Department FKUI-RSCM (July-October 2012)
  • General Practitioner (internship), RSUD Sangatta dan Puskesmas Sangatta Selatan, Kab Kutai Timur (November 2012 – October 2013)
  • Announcer “Halo Dokter” at radio Gema Warna Prima, Sangatta (November 2012 – October 2013)

Organizational Background and Social Activities

  • Founder of Sobat Diabet community, youth community caring about diabetes, 2014- now
  • Member of Indonesian Medical Technology Association (IMTA), 2020-now
  • Member of Sustainable Development Solution Network (SDSN Youth), 2018-now
  • Asian Medical Students’ Association, Alumni Club (AMSA-AC), 2013-now
  • Teacherat Kelas Inspirasi, Indonesia Mengajar, Maluku Tenggara Barat 2014
  • HiLo Green Community, 2014-2016
  • Author of "The Travel Crates", travel book
  • Director of AMSA Exchange Program (Asia Pacific Region), Asian Medical Students’ Association 2009-2010
  • Member of Lembaga Pengkajian dan Penelitian (LPP) FKUI 2008-2010

Course and Activities

  • Intrahospital Disaster Plan Management, Pelayanan IGD Menyongsong New Normal, RSCM, Juni 2020
  • The Telephone and Telemedicine in Clinical Medicine: An Instrument of Opportunity and Risk, Harvard Medical School, May 2020
  • Covid-19 in People with Diabetes or Obesity (ACCME), Harvard Medical School, 2020
  • Probiotic, Dietary Quality, Immunity and Coronavirus, 7 th Webinar Series IMERI 2020
  • Jakarta Diabetes Meeting 2019
  • Jakarta International GI Endoscopy Symposium and Live Demonstration (JIGES-LD) 2019
  • Pekan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT) Ilmu Penyakit Dalam 2019, Jakarta
  • Jakarta Alergi and Clinical Immunology Network Symposium 2018, Jakarta
  • Jakarta Endocrine Meeting 2017, Jakarta
  • Indonesian Digestive Disease Week Symposium 2017, Jakarta
  • ROICAM 2016, Jakarta
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) dan Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) 2013
  • Emergency ECG Course 2013
  • Workshop: Patient Quality and Safety 2011
  • The Role of Internist in Cancer Management (ROICAM) 2013
  • Medical Oncology Short Course 2012, National University of Singapore
  • Indonesian Digestive Disease Week (IDDW) 2012
  • Indonesia Pain Society Working Conference 2011
  • Holistic Approach in Cardiovascular Symposium 2011
  • International Congress on AIDS in Asia and The Pacific 2011, Busan, South Korea
  • International Student Congress of (bio) Medical Sciences, 2011, Groningen, Netherlands
  • Global Health Course, Emerging disesase and Travel Medicine 2010, Hobart, Australia
  • Clinical internship Tsukuba University Hospital 2009, Tsukuba, Japan


  • Finalist presentasi ilmiah mahasiswa kedokteran se-Asia Pasifik di East Asian Medical Students Congress (EAMSC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2009
  • Representative for AMSA Exchange program, Neurosurgical Department, University of Tsukuba, Jepang, 2009
  • Presenter, climate change and tropical diseases at Global Health Conference (GHC), Hobart, Australia, 2010
  • Representative for AMSA Exchange program, Pediatric Department, University of The Philippines, Manila, Filipina, 2010
  • The best presenter at tropical disease field, International Student Congress of bioMedical Sciences (ISCOMS), Groningen, Belanda, 2011
  • Young representative at HIV/AIDS di International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ICAAP), Busan, Korea Selatan, 2011
  • Scholarship awardee Temasek Foundation for education and training at National University Cancer Institute, NUS, Singapura, 2012
  • Cum Laude awardee medical doctor 2012 di Universitas Indonesia
  • Second runner up best presenter at Malaysia-Indonesia-Brunei (Malindobru) medical congress in Jakarta, 2013
  • The best socio-greener Hilo Green Ambassador 2013
  • The best poster at Jakarta Allergy and Immunology Network 2018

Scientific Publication

  • Sensitivity and Specificity of Endoscopic Ultrasonography (EUS) Compared to Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) in Diagnosing Obstructive Jaundice Patients due to Malignancy. (Thesis, 2019)
  • Dysarthria after Cisplatin-Docetaxel-5 Fluorouracil in a Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patient: Probable Cause-Effect. (ROICAM, 2019)
  • Nasopharyngeal Tuberculosis in Newly Diagnosed HIV Patient: a Case Report. (JACIN, 2018)
  • Helicobacter pylori infection as A Risk of Coronary Artery Disease: Literature Review (JDDW, 2017)
  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea – Chronic Pulmonary Obstructive Disease Overlap Syndrome: Literature Review (2016)
  • Penggunaan Amfoterisin B dengan Emulsi Lipid pada Pasien HIV/AIDS dengan Histoplasmosis (JACIN, 2016)
  • Development of the Simple Scoring System for Colorectal Carcinoma Screening Based on History and Physical Examination. (Malindobru, 2013)
  • The Use of Cardiac Biomarkers Level on Admission to Predict the Length of Stay Patients with ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction. (MKI, 2013)
  • Blood Glucose Level on Admission As A Simple Predictor of Coronary Occlusion Degree in Acute Coronary Syndrome. Presented in Toronto (Canada Cardiology Congress, 2012)
  • Level of Education as the Determinant Factor of Obstetric Outpatients’ Knowledge about Intra Uterine Device in Kramat Jati Public Health Center. (Indonesian Journal of Obstetric and Gynecology, 2011)
  • The Relationship between CD4+ T-Lymphocyte Count and Tuberculosis Type in TB-HIV Coinfected Patients in Indonesia. Presented in Groningen, Netherlands (Pubmed, 2011)
  • The Health Impact of Climate Change and Tropical Diseases (GHC, 2011)


Praktek  Dr. Rudy Kurniawan, Sp.PD, Dip.TH : Eka Hospital BSD

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Dokter Terkait

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Informasi Terkait

Dr. Nieng Liong, Sp.Rad

Dr. Eric Hermansyah, Sp.P

Dr. Jacky Ardianto Horas, Sp.OT (K) Hip and Knee


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